Below we have tried to answer the most commonly asked questions, but please feel free to call us, if you’d like to discuss anything else.

Client FAQs

Who will be looking after me/my loved one?

We match clients with a suitably qualified carer, so it very much depends on your/your loves one's needs.  We specialise in the care of people with physical, sensory and intellectual disabilities. Some of our carers simply give you a helping hand around the house so you can continue enjoying your independence. Others have experience in dealing with challenging behaviours so you can take a break from caring for a child with autism for example.

What qualifications will the carer/s have?

We have some very experienced and extremely highly qualified carers. They tend to take on the more challenging cases. However, all our carers will have the Fetac Level 5 QQI Healthcare Support qualification (or similar/better) or be working towards it. 

Are your carer's Garda Vetted?

Yes, all our carer’s are Garda Vetted before they commence working for us. 

Are your carer's drivers?

Some of our carer’s drive, some travel by public transport. If you require a driver we would accommodate that.

What happens if someone is sick?

Over time we try to introduce two or more carer’s to each client in order to ensure absences caused by illness or holidays etc do not cause clients upset or discomfort.

What happens if an issue arises at the weekend?

We have an on call service available for issues that arise outside normal working hours.

How do I claim Tax Relief?

You can learn more about claiming tax relief here.

Have more questions about our services?

Please contact us!


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